The "Naruto" series features a captivating array of villains that significantly shape the story's dynamics. Among the best are Orochimaru, a former Sannin obsessed with immortality and power; and Madara Uchiha, a legendary figure whose ambition drives the Fourth Great Ninja War
Kakuzu's veins can move at his command, rendering his skin little more than a thin shell for his true form. Alongside Hidan, he invaded the Leaf Village, where he faced Naruto and Kakashi in a fierce battle
Kimimaro is a member of the Kaguya clan, a lineage that traces back to the godlike Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. He served as a loyal soldier under Orochimaru, utilizing a unique Kekkei Genkai that enables him to grow and weaponize his bones
As one of the three legendary Sannin, Orochimaru stands out as one of the most powerful ninjas in the series. He is also the longest-running villain, allowing viewers to gain a deep understanding of his complex character by the end of the story
Deidara's motivations may be less compelling than his vibrant personality. As the most persistent and talkative member of the Akatsuki, he hails from the Village Hidden in the Stone. Unique among his peers, Deidara has mouths on his hands and chest
Pain embodies all the qualities of a great villain. As the leader of the Akatsuki for much of the series, he wields immense power, enhanced by his Rinnegan. His ruthlessness is exemplified when he destroyed the entire Leaf Village in a bid to capture
Several members of the Uchiha clan appear on this list, and Obito is a notable figure among them. Once Kakashi's teammate, he was presumed dead after a massive boulder crushed his right side. However, it is revealed that he survived,
Madara's influence on the world of Naruto resonates throughout the series, with fans being aware of his legacy long before he appeared on-screen. As one of the most powerful members of the Uchiha clan, his presence is formidable